«Quien no conoce Estambul, no conoce el amor».

Yahya Kemal Beyatlı.

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Carlos Flores Arias – Yahya.

Escritor chileno.

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lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Happy birthday to Tarkan from Tarkan Fans Chile

Doğum günün kutlu olsun, sevgili Tarkan!!!!

Your Chilean fans wish you all the best on this special day and we hope that you have a future with much more success in all aspects of your life.
We appreciate the dedication you have in your work and affection that you have always with us.
From the confines of the world, we want to give you our love and admiration. We have many reasons to love you, because your music has encouraged us in the most difficult moments of our lives and for you we have formed a family of friends.
Go to Turkey to see you in the Fanta Festival of Izmir was an adventure we will never forget, by the wonderful people we find in our path and because Allah always nursed our steps, giving us the best in the world on this trip.
Our admiration for you is even greater now, knowing that you are magnificently human. Have you met was the culmination of a long but successful crossing, which made us better people and enlarged our spirits.
For you, all our affection...

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Asimismo, te invito a dejarme tus comentarios, sugerencias, peticiones y críticas constructivas en los posts.

Por último, si te agradó, puedes añadir un vínculo de La Pluma Dorada en tu página web, blog, fotolog o espacio personal y así, colaborar al crecimiento de este humilde rincón. También te invito a convertirte en seguidor.

Espero tenerte de regreso; siempre serás bienvenido. Hasta pronto.

Yahya. Carlos Flores A.
Escritor chileno.